2017-08-20 Recommendations for improving Environmental Protection Act include some re. EMR

[5G – 1859 Carrington Event – Animals – Cell Towers – Daniel Baker – Defense Department – Doctor Magda Havas – EMFs – EMP Electromagnetic Pulse Attacks – GMD Geomagnetic Disturbances – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – Henry CooperJohn Patterson, Cell Antenna Engineer – Margaret Friesen – North American Electricity Grids Security – Plants – R. James Woolsey – Sierra Club California Letter of Opposition to SB 649 (Hueso) Microcells / Small Cells Microwave Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – Solar Storm Studies – STEREO Satellite – Wireless Devices – Write to Deborah Schulte & Elizabeth May re CEPA Canadian Environmental Protection Act Standing Committee EMR Recommendations #61 & #62 | BC – Quebec – Canada – Australia – Finland – Germany – Greenland – Iran – Israel – Japan – North Korea – Norway – Russia – Saudi Arabia – South Korea – Sweden – UK – California & New York City, New York, USA] & (video)

1)   (CORRECTION: The only recommendation that actually deals with EMR in the Environmental Protection Act is #62. But if you’ve written mentioning both – not to worry. You will have made your point.)

In last night’s update I included a report about a Parliamentary Committee recommending major changes to the Environmental Protection Act. Here are the recommendations, with #61 and #62 being relevant to EMR.  It is vital that everyone write to the Chair, telling her that you support the recommendations regarding EMR.  This is a prime time to get something going on this.  Even if you never write, please, just a couple of lines to:

Chair Deborah Schulte <Deb.Schulte@parl.gc.ca>

May I suggest that everyone write MPs, asking for support of this, especially if you are a constituent (or even if you aren’t) of Elizabeth May. She has an environmental background and is keenly concerned about what is happening to it.  Please consider writing to your MP and asking him/her to get you a copy of the entire report as a way of showing that you are concerned about this issue. [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/canada-contact-e-mail-lists/]

(click on photos to enlarge)

Recommendation 61

The Committee recommends that Environment and Climate Change Canada revisit the virtual elimination regime and implement a more effective regime.

  1. Electromagnetic Radiation

The Committee received submissions from stakeholders regarding the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation, which may enhance the toxicity of chemicals. Professor Magda Havas of Trent University submitted that the various forms of electromagnetic frequencies adversely affect both plants and animals. Further, she submitted that “adverse biological effects occur well below existing guidelines provided by Health Canada (Safety Code 6).

Margaret Friesen provided evidence that electromagnetic fields can be an environmental pollutant that should be regulated under CEPA.

Recommendation 62 

The Committee recommends that Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada conduct studies on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on biota, review the adequacy of the current guidelines provided in Safety Code 6 and report their findings back to the Committee. 

http://www.ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer/en/42-1/ENVI/report-8/page-276  recommendations

2)    With the ever-increasing use of digital and wireless devices, grids, and communications, our grid has become increasingly vulnerable to attack, accident or storm, and apparently nothing is being done to protect us.

America’s frail defense against a nuclear-tipped threat

“What was troubling to younger scientists during this fictional onslaught was that as each decade passed, the U.S. economy was becoming more dependent on digital electronics, computers, cellphones, satellite-based communications, and weather and GPS navigational systems that have rapidly accelerated the nation’s vulnerability to both hostile EMP attacks and solar storms,”

https://www.eenews.net/stories/1060058914  re cybersecurity

3)    A member sent in this video from an Australian news station in 2012. Like the member, I do not support violence of any sort, but the frustration expressed is understandable.

This is pretty interesting for a mainstream news report – although I of course do not support violent direct action.  It comes from Australia and is dated (2012) Cell antenna base station tower is demolished by activist with a tank.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TiOx7_DVj0   (5:20 minutes)

4)    The California Sierra Club is opposing the microcell Bill being proposed in the California Legislature. Has anyone heard anything from the BC Sierra Club?




From: X
Sent: August 19, 2017
To: Deb.Schulte@parl.gc.ca
Cc: ELizabeth May <emay@magma.ca>

Subject: Thank you for helping to Secure our Right to Live in a Healthy Environment

Dear Ms. Schulte,

Thank you for the thorough and wonderful job you did chairing the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development. I hope you are enjoying some well deserved time off this summer!

As a constituent of Elizabeth May (who drew my attention to your report), I am deeply concerned about the environmental and health effects of electromagnetic frequencies, and the current government-sanctioned push to bombard our environment with wireless devices and 5G – without proof of their safety.

I highly recommend that you and your committee encourage our government to initiate Recommendation 62 of your report.  I also encourage you to recommend that our government enact a stand-alone Canadian Environmental Bill of Rights, securing all Canadians’ right to live in a healthy environment,

With Warm Wishes,



Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

Word of mouth is our best weapon — So shoot your mouth off!

Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation