2017-07-24 Could microcells result in public liability?

[5G – AT&T – BC Hydro Poles – Catherine J. Frompovich Lawsuit – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – Doctor Stephen T. Sinatra – Earthing / Grounding – EHS – ElectroSmog – EMFs – EMR – FCC – Firefighters Exempt – Glioblastoma Brain Tumors (Beau Biden, Edward Kennedy, John McCain) – Harry Vere Lehmann – Health – Hippocrates – Judge Pell – Legal Liability for Harm re SB 649 Microcells / Small Cells Microwave Antennas Public Right-of-way Siting Legislation – National Education Association – Mr. Pritchard, PECO – RF Microwave Radiation in Public Places – SaskPower Digital Meter Fires – Schools – Stralskyddsstiftelsen Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation – Studies – Telus – Tina Munro – Verizon – Wi-Fi – ZigBee Chips in Smart Appliances & Smart Meters | English Bay, Vancouver, BC – Regina, Saskatchewan – Sweden – California & New York & Pennsylvania, USA]

1)    A lawyer in California, who is very involved in EMR issues due to friends having died of brain cancers, warns the California Legislature that allowing public property to be used for microcells and 5G transmitters could likely put California in the position of being held liable for any harm related to this radiation.

I don’t know the law in BC, but I hope someone with a legal bent will investigate the situation here. Will BC Hydro (we are the bank for Hydro) be liable for allowing Telus to put microcells on Hydro poles?

(click on photos to enlarge)

I would encourage you to read this lawyer’s letter, a link to it is embedded in this article.


In this letter dated July 19, 2017  the Law Office of Harry Lehmann explains how the State of California faces liability for damage sustained by Senate Bill 649  because the Bill shifts liability from the Telecom industry to the State of California. He documents in detail the science indicating serious harm – including DNA impacts and cancer- from microwave radiation.

“If the assembly goes forward despite this risk, bankruptcy of the State of California can be reasonably expected to result. 

He states that under California government code, lawsuits can be brought for “Dangerous condition of public property. “ Lehmann points to the fact that the State of California allowed firefighters to be exempt from the wireless infrastructure as proof that California State has admitted “ the dangerous nature of the about to be built ‘small cell’ system, because as a matter of provable Legislative Intent, the firehouses were exempted due to health concerns”.


2)    Sen. John McCain’s recent discovery of glioblastoma, a very aggressive brain cancer that has been associated with cell phone use, raises the issue of the role the other sources of RF in our homes, workplaces, schools, and even outdoors play in such serious health problems. An industry official admits, in testimony quoted below, that the ZigBee chip in “smart” appliances (and that will one day be activated in the smeter to communicate with these appliances) send pulsed signals every 30 seconds whether there is anything to connect with or not—it searches.

Cell phones are not the only appliances that emit/transmit microwaves; AMI Smart Meters do, too, and in the gigahertz (GHz) ranges! That’s another factor to be considered since smart meters waves emit RFs into homes 24/7/365 from the two-way ZigBee radio transmitters used to search for; hook up with; and surveil all smart appliances in homes.

In my pro se court case before the PA PUC’s Administrative Law Court, one of the Judges queried PECO’s expert about that very issue. Here’s how that went taken from the official court transcript:

  1. Furthermore, Mr. Pritchard in answering His Honor Judge Pell’s questioning stated, “It could be once every five minutes to once every hour or maybe once a day depending on what the device – whether it would be a smart thermostat, a dishwasher as you mentioned or maybe an in-home display device.” Cf. Transcript Pg. 169 (1-5)
  2. Judge Pell then remarked, “I understand you to say that, if it doesn’t connect with anything, it pulses every 30 seconds?” PECO employee and expert Pritchard states, “It continues to seek that, yes.” Whereas, His Honor Judge Pell then asks, “Indefinitely or will it decide, okay, I’m not finding anything, stop? Can that be adjusted?” Mr. Pritchard replied, “No.” Judge Pell queries further, “No. Does it have to be that way?” Mr. Pritchard replied, “We have no options with that.” Cf. Transcript Pg. 169 (1-17)


3)    A rash of meter fires in Saskatchewan over the last few days. The Fire Department says it’s the heat, etc., even saying the dry land is shifting. But these appear to be digital meters – all the ones in the photos are. Why are these burning? I don’t have any more info on these fires but digital meters are not as safe as analogs, they run on electricity. If I can get more info on the causes, and if any analogs have been involved in any of these fires, I will let you know.

Another meter catches fire in Regina, SaskPower urges public to stay vigilant – Fire crews have responded to 5 meter failures since last week by Stephanie Taylor – CBC News – July 23, 2017:

Third fire on SaskPower meter caused by dry conditions by Sarah Mills – Regina / 980 CJME – July 22, 2017:


From a member:

– I read a book I’m sure you guys know. Earthing [grounding]. Dr.Sinatra, New York cardiologist, is a contributor. He is also electrosensitive.

He had a metal plate put in his hip and became an antenna. I’m sure you guys know of him. I have a row of metal clips from abdominal surgery.

I am now grounding bare feet as much as I can, I am lucky to live one block from English Bay.  I once mentioned that whenever we go against Nature, there is always a repercussion. There is a beautiful mention of this in a beautiful way in the book Earthing. It goes like this.

Illnesses do not come upon us out of the blue
They are developed from small daily sins against nature
When enough sins have accumulated, illnesses will
Suddenly appear.

How cool is this



Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”
~ Aldous Huxley

Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation