2017-05-08 IoT technical problems include increased data storage– our data storage.

[BCCDC BC Centre for Disease Control – BC Hydro – BCUC – Cancer – CBC’s Marketplace with Wendy Mesley – Cell Phones – Dan Ruimy – Doctor David CarpenterDenis Henshaw – Doubt is Their Product by David Michaels – EMF – FortisBC – Health Canada Safety Code 6 – IoT Internet of Things Data and Security – Jane PhilpottLouis Slesin – Microwave Radiation – Northern Pass / Eversource Energy – Ontario Hydro – Perry Kendall – Power Lines – RF – Sir Richard DollStanton Glantz – TOU Time-of-Use Billing – WHO – William Bailey and Gary Johnson, Exponent, Product Defense | BC – Ontario – Canada – China – India – Russia – California & New Hampshire, USA]

1)    It is just a matter of time before BC Hydro forces us to accept time-of-use billing. The infrastructure in the smeter program has been in place for 5 years. Here are the rates for Ontario Hydro. Notice the peak hours are during the day and would affect those who can least afford the highest rates – the disabled, young families and the elderly – all of whom are home all day and need heat, lighting in the winter, and to cook. The rates and hours are subject to change, depending on demand, and in many places “off-peak” doesn’t begin until quite late, and “on-peak” covers many more hours.   Notice only “on-peak” is more than BC Hydro’s rates.

More information about the Ontario Fair Hydro Plan

Summer Time-of-Use periods are now also in effect.

(click on photos to enlarge)

What do the summer hours mean for you?
Shift as much of your electricity usage to the lowest-priced off-peak hours – weekdays after 7 p.m. and all-day weekends and statutory holidays.

2)    With the exponential growth in wireless devices using IoT, major technical problems are confronting the telecoms. Security is one of the prime ones but so is how all the data will be stored, etc. Question: why do they need to store our data?

Technical concerns continue to muddle IOT’s long term promise

“If we get to 20 billion things and don’t do the gateways, we will not have enough power generated in the United States to do the internet of things,” because of the immense amount of remote data processing that would be required to handle the data from all those devices. DiFranco said “we’ll have to build 4,000 new data centers a year, with 100,000 servers in each data center, each one pulling 40 megawatts of power,” to handle it all.”


3)    William Bailey works for Exponent, a product defense company [http://www.exponent.com/professionals/b/bailey-william-h].

He, along with a colleague, were brought in by FortisBC to convince the BC Utilities Commission that RF radiation is just fine. This man and his company will write a  report and support any company who is willing to pay, from tobacco, Agent Orange, to some of the chemicals that have made ground water toxic. He says such ridiculous things like “you are exposed to more radiation from sleeping with your partner than you will be from a smart meter”.  And even more ridiculous, the BCUC accepted their testimony!! He is at it again, this time for powerlines in New Hampshire. A twisted scientist that led to FortisBC being able to install smeters.

Is NH getting hoodwinked on Health and Safety by Northern Pass

“Bailey’s been a hired gun ever since I can remember,” Slesin said. “He’s there to protect the interests of the client. I’ve seen him in action many times,” Slesin said.”


[Book by David Michaels: https://www.amazon.com/Doubt-Their-Product-Industrys-Threatens/dp/019530067X]


From: X
Sent: May 7, 2017
To: Perry HLTH:EX Kendall <perry.kendall@gov.bc.ca>

Subject: Fwd: (stopsmartmetersbc.com) Update 2017-05-03 Perry Kendall, our health officer, says microwave radiation is safe.

Dear Dr. Kendall,

I’ve read the letter below that you wrote to “X” and once again, I am wondering how it is that you and others simply do not acknowledge the “wealth of studies examining the effect of EMF on living organisms and their constituent parts” that prove EMF IS NOT SAFE!

I am left wondering if you, Health Canada or any of the “number of international scientifically expert bodies” have followed the money involved with these studies.  I’m sure you remember how the tobacco industry manipulated the “science” involved with the safety of their product, and you must be aware of how industries protect and promote their products with select scientific information.

Perhaps you could post on the BCCDC website the funding sources for each of the studies you rely on for your claim that the technology is safe.

Perhaps you could explain to me why the industry is suing a shop that sells cell phones in Berkeley, California; all the shop wants to do is to be sure their customers are aware of the contents of the fine print contained in the products being bought.  Do you think this is information that should be kept hidden?

I would love to hear from you, but I know you’re a very busy man and won’t have time to answer!


= = =

From: “Kendall, Perry HLTH:EX” <Perry.Kendall@gov.bc.ca>
To: X
Cc: “Kendall, Perry HLTH:EX” <Perry.Kendall@gov.bc.ca>
Sent: 2 May, 2017
Subject: RE: wifi experiment & request

Dear X

There is a wealth of studies examining the effect of emf on living organisms and their constituent parts.

Health Canada has reviewed them, as have a number of international scientifically expert bodies. I have read many of these synthesis reports myself, and indeed commissioned one to be done by the BC Centre for Disease Control and epidemiology. Their results are up on the BCCDC website.

The conclusions of them all are that at present levels of exposure, there is no evidence of harm to the populations exposed.

Best wishes
Perry Kendall



From: XX
Sent: May 7, 2017
To: jane.philpott@canada.ca; Dan.Ruimy@parl.gc.ca; marketplace@cbc.ca
Subject: A Health Canada lie on Marketplace?

Dear Dr. Philpott, Mr. Ruimy and Ms. Mesley,

I believe that all of you were born before Sir Richard Doll raised the then unpopular notion that smoking caused cancer, but I assume you are all aware of his suggestion.  I also assume and hope you are aware of the tobacco industry’s behaviour after his suggestions became public and legal actions were taken.  Since then there have been many “science”-related issues that have been heavily influenced by industries protecting themselves.

Electromagnetic radiation has become the new tobacco.  There are countless independent studies that have shown dangers related to this technology – even from the American military – however the industry will have none of it.  Why does Health Canada insist on maintaining that Safety Code 6 is adequate when even China, Russia and India have much higher standards to protect their citizens?

The case of the shop in Berkeley, California being sued by the industry because it wants to be certain customers are aware of the ‘fine print’ already available when purchasing cell phones is very suspicious.  Regarding cell phones, on Marketplace Health Canada recently claimed that “Even if a small child were exposed to a cell phone…24 hours a day, 365 days a year…there would be no adverse health effect.”  Are any of you aware of a single bit of science that proves this statement?

I understand the technology offers us a wonderful convenience, something that tobacco didn’t offer us.  But I also think it’s important to “follow the money” and be sure that INDEPENDENT science can support what industry science claims.

All of you owe it to the public you serve to present ALL the facts!


= = =



Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

Wireless radiation is air pollution.   
~ Barb Payne


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation