2017-04-28 EMF Plague Part 2

[Bees Murals – Cell Phones – DNA – Donna Fisher – EMF – EMR – Health – Microcells – Oona McOuat Letter to Green Party and NDP  – Smart Meters – Ted Archibald Cell Towers Presentation – Wi-Fi – Wireless Devices | Gulf Islands & Mission & Saanich North & Salt Spring Island, BC] & (video)

1)   A few days ago, I shared an article entitled “EMF Plague, Part 2” and promised to share part 1 when I had it. The author, Donna Fisher has sent both articles to me as they were published in Nexus.

(click on photos to enlarge)



2)   On May 1 at 7:00pm, a member will be following up Ted Archibald’s presentation at the last Council meeting, making a presentation to Mission City Council about wireless and the associated dangers.  I know he would appreciate support by attending at the Mission Municipal Hall, 8645 Stave Lake Street, Mission, BC.

3)   Non-smeter or indirectly – street artists draw attention to the plight of the bees. This is a great way to tell people what is happening and could easily include a cell tower, smeter, or cell phone.

Street Artist Uses Amazing Murals To Highlight Collapse Of Bee Colonies



From: “Oona McOuat”   (name given with permission)
To: mpr@bcgreens.ca, obg@bcgreens.ca, info@adamolsen.ca, info@bcgreens.ca, “ELizabeth May” <emay@magma.ca>, gary.holman.mla@leg.bc.ca, “John Horgan” <oppositionleader@leg.bc.ca>, andrew.weaver.mla@leg.bc.ca
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Subject: Your Position on Wireless technologies and EMF

As I am currently deciding which candidate to vote for in my riding of Saanich North and the Islands, could you please tell me your personal position and, separately, that of the party you are affiliated with in respect to wireless radiation? Specifically, I’m referring to the ‘low-level’ pulsed, non-thermal radio / microwave frequency radiation that is emitted by all wireless products and devices – including microcell transmitters, ‘smart’ meters, and ‘smart’ appliances?  Remember, ALL radiation is cumulative; it all adds up.

Most non-industry scientists in the world believe there is a direct correlation between the explosion of wireless devices in our society over the past 30 years and the corresponding epidemics of cancer, autism, and many other diseases. Despite common misconceptions, wireless and cellular technologies are not “Green”, energy conserving, or wise as they harm the DNA of all living things.

For specific information on my current deep concern – the widespread installation of microcell transmitters on our residential streets, please read this report I recently prepared for my local government, Salt Spring’s Island Trust, http://oonamcouat.com/wp-content/uploads/Small_Cells_and_a_Wireless_World.pdf or for a quick overview, watch my video:  Cellular Deception


Oona McOuat


Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

One who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived
~ Nicolo Machiavelli

Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation