2017-01-27 We all need to learn to use social media to spread the word.

[5G – AT&T – Berg – Brain – Tumor – C4ST – California Brain Tumor Association – Caress – Cell Phones – Cell Towers – CTIA – EHS – Electronic Silent Spring – Ellie Marks – EMF Safety Network – EMR – Environment – Facebook – Fires – Hausteiner – Health – Katie Singer – MLAs – MPs – Microcells – NTP – Olle Johansson – Papers and Studies – Privacy – Rachel Carson – RF – Right to Know – Safety – Schools – Scientific Evidence – Steinemann – Studies – Twitter – Wi-Fi – Wireless | BC – Canada – Ontario – Denmark – Germany – Sweden – Berkeley, California – Hawaii – Washington, DC, USA] & (videos)

1)    A wake up call about EHS. Why are all the authorities refusing to acknowledge this growing health problem?

26% of the USA population (Caress & Steinemann, 2003)
19% of the Swedish population (Johansson et al, 2005)
27% of the Danish population (Berg et al 2008)
32% of the German population (Hausteiner et al, 2005)[1]


2)    We need to learn to use social media. Ellie Marks is now on Twitter and I hope you will share with those more technologically capable than I am

I have a new twitter handle – please follow me


I will try to stay focused on issues pertaining to the health effects of wireless radiation but bear with me if I post other similar news!!

By the way- I know many of you are curious. The 9th District Court of Appeals has not yet issued a ruling in the September 13 hearing on the case between the CTIA (Ted Olson) and the City of Berkeley (Larry Lessig) over the Cell Phone Right to Know ordinance which was allowed to be implemented by the District Court last year. 

The CTIA is appealing.

I will let you know as soon as we find out. As many of you know we ran into the issue of one of the Judges having a conflict of interest as her husband is a senior design engineer (small cell equipment for the rollout of 5G) for a wireless company. AT&T is a major investor and a member of the CTIA.

She probably should have recused herself.  If you want more information on this please email me back.

And don’t forget:  @elliemarks13

Thanks so much.
Ellie Marks
California Brain Tumor Association

3)    Rachel Carson fought the industry and government(s) many years to prove that pesticides, etc. were damaging the environment. We are fighting the same fight and we might be able to benefit from learning about her struggles and strategies. A 2 hour film is available at:


4)    One of the problems we face is that most people have no knowledge about the problems associated with wireless devices or that there are 1,000s of scientific evidence that prolonged exposure to even low levels of RF and EMF can be harmful. They are bombarded by ads about how these devices will make life wonderful, and nothing else. The media won’t cover it.

There are things we can do to raise awareness and support.  A member has written a wonderful document (see below) outlining a strategy we should all employ. It’s easy, it doesn’t take much time, and it’s been proven effective.  In addition, I’d strongly suggest we all continue writing and calling our MLAs and MPs, but more important make an appointment and meet with them face to face, over and over. They need to understand your concerns and they need to be willing to work to help us.


Social media are very powerful tools of the voiceless – look what happened very recently when one grandmother in Hawaii posted a five-word Facebook musing the night Donald Trump was elected president of the USA: “I think we should march.” Organizing at the grass roots level at short notice, mainly through Facebook, a good 500,000 people (men as well as women) showed up to march in Washington DC alone, and at least two million people around the world marched simultaneously, all peacefully (zero arrests in Washington) but purposefully. These women and men all went back home energized and dedicated to doing whatever they can at the grass roots level – run for local office, organize groups to resist a particular threat (such as creating a registry of Muslims), start online petitions that have to be addressed, etc. – to translate their personal concerns into concrete action.

We who are concerned about the hazards of wireless technology sometimes feel as ineffective as snowflakes trying to fight politicians (of all stripes and at all levels), regulatory agencies, silence in the media, and general apathy in a public that loves their wireless gadgets and doesn’t want to listen to anything that might make them question their use or even listen to suggestions for safer use. But when snowflakes add up, they reach a critical mass than can trigger an avalanche. And that’s what we, ourselves, personally need to do: get more and more ordinary people just like ourselves to join us in recognizing the dangers of wireless technology.

These problems (health, electro-hypersensitivity, safety, fires, privacy, lack of public oversight/input) will only be solved at a political level, and the only thing that gets the attention of politicians is the realization that large numbers of voting-age people are passionate about a cause and will base their votes on the politicians’ responses and actions.

So how do we do this? First of all, use Facebook and other social media to share knowledge of the problems, emphasizing that we are not against technology or even all wireless gadgets: we are FOR their SAFE use. We have access to hundreds and hundreds of papers, news items, studies, facts, videos, etc. etc. etc. from excellent sources, including Sharon’s wonderful daily updates. A few other great sources are:

Coalition to Stop Smart Meters in BC (https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/ &


EMF Safety Network (http://emfsafetynetwork.org/)

Canadians for Safe Technology (C4ST) (http://c4st.org/)

Electronic Silent Spring (Katie Singer; newsletters also available) (http://www.electronicsilentspring.com/)

All of the above websites are also on Facebook, making it even easier to share articles, statistics, videos, pertinent cartoons and headlines. If everybody who uses Facebook would commit to posting one or two articles or videos per week on their own account, chosen from among the many excellent sources available, we could soon reach critical mass and start that avalanche rumbling. Make this a mission! (And don’t forget to “like” articles on these Facebook accounts.)

Twitter is also an excellent medium for sharing short, sharp statistics. Here’s an example derived from Sharon’s update of Jan. 22 (originally from C4ST):

“Testicular cancer in Canadian males aged 15-29 increased 2.7% per year between 1996 and 2005. Men, don’t carry cell phones in front pants pockets!”

Or (derived from Sharon’s update of Jan. 20):

“School Board in Peel, ON forbids principals from allowing information about dangers of Wi-Fi to be distributed on school property. Why?”

When you find a pertinent statistic or easily stated fact, Tweet it! On a more involved note, is there any Twitter enthusiast or group out there willing and able to make regular tweets in the name of Citizens for Safe Technology? I am willing to supply good statistics, images etc. to choose from on a regular (say, monthly) basis.

The second and simultaneous thing is for all of us to get involved personally in the political arena, even if it’s never entered our minds before. Who are our local politicians? People just like us, with no special qualifications except a desire to help make life better locally. Bombard all local candidates in the upcoming provincial election with questions about RF-EMF, and give them links to more sources. Follow up to see if they’ve read them. If we have a change in government in May, this is an excellent opportunity to bombard our newly-elected officials with information, questions and demands.

Even better, consider running for local office yourself this fall. Municipal/local elections (all three-year terms) are coming up this November. If you have major concerns about Wi-Fi in schools, consider running for your local School Board. If your main concern is lack of public input on the location of cell towers/microcells, consider running for City Council. If your main concern is health, consider putting your name in on a Health or Hospital Advisory Board. If you’re unable to do it yourself, encourage someone else with the same concerns to run. Question all candidates – and educate them. Campaign for those who are responsive.

But it all starts with getting the word out, and Facebook, Twitter and other social media are ideally tailored to do this. (Note: as tempting as it is to badmouth BC Hydro or particular politicians, stick to facts, documented research and possible solutions.) None of this even involves any personal research – the sources listed above are a treasure trove of information just waiting to be shared. It takes only a couple of minutes per posting.

So let’s do it. Let’s get this snowball rolling!


Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“Your silence gives consent”    
~ Plato

Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation