2016-11-25 A video to explain microcells.



The lady at the Ombudsperson office TOLD me on the phone to contact her office if Hydro bullies me or threatens to cut my power or does in fact cut my power… please spread the word.”  The phone numbers are :

Toll-free: 1-800-567-3247 (all of B.C.);  Local (Greater Victoria area): 250-387-5855

1)    Re. Microcells:  In many areas of BC, Telus is telling the people that they are installing fiber optic cable, offering to bring this straight to their homes “for free”.  Boxes are being put on the outside of homes, providing Wi-Fi for phone, internet and TV, even for those who demand and are promised all will be hard wired. As you know,  I was one of those people – and found, to my dismay, that after several hours of supposedly connecting the black boxes for the TVs and the modems for internet, all was a charade. There were hidden Wi-Fi connectors – which we insisted be pulled out the same day and we changed our provider. There is something insidious going on – there is an urgency to get these boxes on homes even if Telus is not the provider. Is it all part of the 5G system?

Below is an excellent video about microcells in BC, prepared by a member of our Coalition. I hope you’ll share.

Multiple Array (eNode) Is BC a 5G Testing Lab?


Various sites in British Columbia had new antennas installed in 2015, and others in 2016.  Since that time media has shown how wireless companies boast about how their 5G testing is going, with extremely fast data rates.  Some of the residents who live near these new antennas have experienced health effects.  Are these BC towns with these new antennas the “Living Lab” for 5G experiments?

More Information :


Huawei and TELUS to create 5G “Living Lab” in Downtown Vancouver, BC Premier visits Huawei 


Ensuring Canada’s Leadership in 5G Innovation



FCC: intimidating press, suppressing science at “5G” announcement


2)    The member who is responsible for the www.emrabc.ca website was at a hospital today and saw that there can be up to 12 “infusion” machines in a room. These machines work wirelessly and send RF signals every 5-10 minutes. I recommend looking at the website with a lot of excellent information about medical facilities and devices:


3)    An anonymous author (we suspect Perry Kendall) wrote a criticism of the NTP study released in May, and released it on Perry Kendall’s webpage. This study has been lauded by researchers all over the world as being “top quality”. Even the American Cancer Society, which continues to deny concern due to microwave radiation, said that this study could be a game changer. Yet Kendall, with no experience or training in the relevant fields, challenges the results.



One of our members sent the criticism to Dr. Ronald Melnick, the director of the study. Dr. Melnick was kind enough to respond, explaining to the author why these criticisms, which have been made by industry affiliates, do not “stand up to scientific scrutiny”.


This article by Dr. Melnick should be sent to every Medical Health Officer who works under Perry Kendall. Please write the Officer of your area and ask who wrote this article which is so flawed and misleading? And ask that it be removed from the site and be replaced by the study itself which can be found at the bottom of the page with Dr. Melnick’s response. The contact information for BC Medical Health Officers can be found at:


4)    Re: EMR wargames: An article in the Victoria Times Colonist complaining about the noise from the Growler jets on Whidbey Island. Not a mention of the horror that will soon be flying over our homes when the EMR war games begin. Many of us have written about the Olympic Peninsula group fighting this, but not a word in the media. I hope many will write the author of this article: rwatts@timescolonist.com .  My letter is below in Letters.

“The sound of U.S. navy Growler jets that upsets many people in Greater Victoria might become more pervasive because of a plan to bring more of the planes to the U.S. Naval Air Station at Whidbey Island.”


& http://www.savetheolympicpeninsula.org/noise-pollution.html
& http://www.savetheolympicpeninsula.org/electronic-warfare.html]

5)    The auto-immune series is available for free again this weekend. I have not watched it, but some have said it is excellent.

Click here to access Episode #1.

Click here to access Episode #2.

Click here to access Episode #3.

Click here to access Episode #4.

Click here to access Episode #5.

Click here to access Episode #6.

Click here to access Episode #7.



From: Sharon Noble
Sent: November 25, 2016
To: rwatts@timescolonist.com
Cc: Randall.Garrison.C1C@parl.gc.ca; Christy Clark <premier@gov.bc.ca>; oppositionleader@leg.bc.ca; justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca; obcouncil@oakbay.ca

Subject: US Navy Growlers — more to come

Dear Mr. Watts,

Re: http://www.timescolonist.com/news/local/oak-bay-to-u-s-navy-keep-growlers-away-1.3185591

I read your article carefully, hoping you would have included some of the information that I and many others have been sending to the Times Colonist for the last few months about the US Navy’s plans to hold war games over the Olympic Peninsula and the Juan de Fuca area, with planes flying from Whidbey Island. Sadly I found nothing. The plans are for many hundreds of flights a week (for months if not years) at low altitudes which will be very disruptive to people in or near the southern part of Vancouver Island plus all wildlife in the water and on land.

In addition, the Navy will be using electromagnetic weapons (microwave radiation) to disable planes and targets on the ground. The public will be put in harm’s way because it will be virtually impossible to not be exposed.

There is a group including local and state politicians in Washington that has been fighting this for a long time: http://protectolympicpeninsula.org/action but even after many letters having been written to our MLAs, MPs and the media by many concerned citizens, no similar opposition has been voiced by any of them.  In fact, I never received a response from anyone and neither were there any articles in the Times Colonist.

There is a lot of information on the link above and even more can found quite readily. Here is just one site which outlines quite clearly how the Navy bypassed regulations.


It’s probably too late for Canadians to have any input but certainly the public deserves to know what is happening, and how their politicians did nothing. I certainly hope you will tell them.

Sharon Noble



Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sent from my hardwired laptop with no wireless capability at all – for the sake of my family and myself.


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation