1)    A major USA study confirms brain cancer results from exposure to RF from cell phones. This could be the study that even Perry Kendall can’t ignore. Official announcement to be made soon.  May I please ask that you consider sending this information to Dr. Perry Kendall <perry.kendall@gov.bc.ca>, to Min. of Health Terry Lake <HLTH.health@gov.bc.ca>, to Health Canada, the media, etc. [- http://www.stopsmartmetersbc.com/contact/]   This is major and relates directly to the radiation from $$meters. Please share widely via twitter, Facebook, email. The industry will try to get this watered down before it’s released.


The U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) is expected to issue a public announcement that cell phone radiation presents a cancer risk for humans. The move comes soon after its recently completed study showed statistically significant increases in cancer among rats that had been exposed to GSM or CDMA signals for two-years.

Discussions are currently underway among federal agencies on how to inform the public about the new findings. NTP senior managers believe that these results should be released as soon as possible because just about everyone is exposed to wireless radiation all the time and therefore everyone is potentially at risk.

The cell phone cancer controversy will never be the same again.

Read the full story at:


Louis Slesin

2)    More on Gord Downie’s brain cancer. A CBC news reports says that at least 1 Canadian is diagnosed with a brain tumor every hour. 24/day x 365 days/yr = 8,760 new tumors diagnosed in Canada each year. So far, I have no stats re. how many of these are glioblastomas, which studies closely associate with RF exposure, primarily from cell phones.


Gord Downie’s ‘incurable’ brain cancer won’t keep him from singing, his doctor says – Diagnosed with glioblastoma in winter, Tragically Hip singer had surgery, 6 weeks of radiation, chemo by Laura Fraser – CBC News – May 24, 2016:
(video 03:53) Gord Downie’s doctor outlines cancer diagnosis – CBC News Toronto – May 24, 2016:
(video 02:48) Gord Downie, Tragically Hip singer, has brain cancer – CBC News Toronto – May 24, 2016:
(Dr. James Perry, Neuro-oncologist
@ 00:28 ….news at least 1 Canadian gets every hour – a brain tumour….)


And two young (35 years old) women in Winnipeg are some who are suffering, yet no mention of cell phones in any of the articles that I’ve seen.

3)    Another member got a letter from BCUC saying that they are looking into the lack of legacy meters. See below. Seems the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is saying/doing.

4)    A letter asks what Telus wants to hide with its gag orders. What possible “technical” info could they be revealing that would aid competitors? I doubt these Councillors want to hear technical info, and I equally doubt that Telus is concerned about such technical info. IF it is, then don’t share it. Telus seems to be following the lead of BC Hydro – bullying and intimidating.



5)     A call by a Swiss doctor to make medical professionals more aware of the dangers of RF radiation and to acknowledge that people are suffering from EHS and must be protected from RF in hospitals.


His advice: disconnect, switch off, distance oneself. In Sweden, where electrohypersensitivity is recognized as a functional impairment, hospitals equipped with treatment rooms shielded from waves exist for persons suffering from this intolerance.

The raising of awareness of all caregivers in the medical profession regarding the harmful effects of radiation, including the specific needs of electrosensitive persons, should be a part of their training.”


6)    Non smeter or RF: From a member who knows that Microsoft 10 is a bad and invasive program to be avoided. This came today and last night, Dennis had this happen – Microsoft took over his computer. The only way he could get it to stop was to turn the entire computer off. Horrible company.



For the last six months, Windows 7 and Windows 8 users have been presented with an upgrade pop-up box asking users to either “Upgrade Now” or “Upgrade Later”.

The only way to skip the upgrade was to click the red “X” icon in the top right hand corner, typically used to close windows.

However, an alteration to the Windows 10 upgrade alert now means if a user dismisses the box with the “x” icon, rather than closing the window, it now activates the upgrade, the BBC reports.”




From: Complaints BCUC:EX [mailto:Complaints@bcuc.com]
Wednesday, May 25, 2016 1:29 PM

Subject: RE: analog meter inventory ?

Dear xxxxxxxxxx

Thank you for your email to the BC Utilities Commission regarding your concerns about the availability of analog legacy meters in BC Hydro’s meter inventory.


Commission staff understand that there are currently no legacy meters available in BC Hydro’s inventory. However, given your complaint and others, we are currently reviewing these concerns and we have sent a request to BC Hydro in order to obtain detailed records regarding the availability of legacy meters. I will provide you with an update once I receive more information.

Thank you for contacting the Commission.


Patrick Wruck
Customer Relations Analyst
British Columbia Utilities Commission
6th Floor, 900 Howe Street
Vancouver, B.C.  V6Z 2N3
Website: www.bcuc.com Email: complaints@bcuc.com
Phone: 604.660.4700 | Fax: 604.660.1102 | Toll Free: 1.800.663.1385

= = = =

From: xxxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 3:33 PM
To: Complaints BCUC:EX [mailto:Complaints@bcuc.com]

Subject: analog meter inventory ?

I am a BC Hydro customer that from the very start wanted no other than an analog hydro meter, as we have been using safely for as long as I can remember. I chose the analog when the meter choice program came in. We were promised as long as there were analog meters in inventory at BC Hydro it was regulated under this program we would be given an analog.

I would be willing to purchase an analog meter perhaps from another province or perhaps in the US….. If I want this for my health and safety and am willing to pay these analog meter choice fees…then why not?…where are my rights to keep me safe in my own home?

I recently was told by installer they had no analogs left  in inventory so I would have to take a smart meter. We turned the installer away. I called into BC Hydro and they said you have to take a smart meter and that a letter was mailed to us. We have received another email that says I have no choice other than the smart meter. Not really a choice. I don’t want any of the smart meters, radio off is really no better, ample reading on that. I still chose analog.

If there are still analog meters available, then BC Hydro is breaking the Tariff, which is a law.

Would your office please check up on BC Hydro’s records on this concern of Hydro telling customers that there is no more inventory of analogs…that they are all expired.



Sharon Noble
Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters


“Lyon, France, May 31, 2011 ‐‐ The WHO/International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer, associated with wireless phone use.”
~ World Health Organization


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation