2016-04-27 Hydro is telling installers they cannot install analogs!!

  1. In my March 3 update I included the questions I presented to BC Hydro as intervener in the current Rate Redesign Application. On April 12, Hydro provided responses to my and other interveners’ questions. I was of the (mis) understanding that I would have the opportunity to ask follow up questions or to make follow up comments in response, but on April 26 I was told that no further questions are allowed under the oral hearing in mid-August. So I must participate in the hearing in Vancouver which will occur over several days in mid-August.  One of my major comments pertains to the entire process. It seems that any amendment to the Tariff should be limited to the changes being made to the rate re-design. By changing other parts of the Tariff, it seems that Hydro is being allowed to do so surreptitiously. At no time was the public told that such a “review” would be occurring and, in fact, it was not until Dec. 21, when the initial revisions were submitted that I learned that other amendments were being requested. When I asked BCUC about this, I was told it is normal. Apparently Hydro can “sneak” changes in under the guise of them being “minor”.

The responses (along with my questions) can be found at http://www.bcuc.com/Documents/Proceedings/2016/DOC_46092_B-23_BCH-Response-IR-2.pdf   On the left hand side bar the name of the interveners appear. Go down to nearly the bottom and you will see “Noble: Information Request No. 2”.  Click on that and you will see the 8 questions I asked and BC Hydro’s response. Believe me, I am not satisfied with many of the responses and I will be presenting the at the hearing – a great way to spend a summer week.

  • Today a member was told by an installer that Hydro has instructed installers to stop installing analogs.  A couple of weeks ago another member was told by an installer that there were still “quite a few” analogs left. If there are analogs and Hydro has told installers not to install them, that is counter to the Meter Choice commitment to install analogs so long as they are available. Is this just another lie? I suggest that we ask for a thorough investigation of Hydro’s records.
  1. In Tennessee first responders are finding digital communications to be unreliable, and the FCC warns about cyberattacks.

While the FCC is heading efforts to transition public safety communications to Internet Protocol networks, its officials also have warned that IP connectivity means emergency communications would be vulnerable to cyberattack.


  1. We all have become more aware of how the Liberals are using Hydro as a cash cow to “phoney up” the budget, but things are so bad that the only answer can be that Clark and Campbell before her are taking us all for a ride, and it seems it’s for the benefit of their corporate friends. And the major media outlets keep it all quiet !


Some people believe the government intention is to privatize BC Hydro. However, I believe the present situation, with another $10 billion of public funds being thrown at Site C, is working just fine for Christy Clark, her cabinet colleagues and their sponsors.

Citizens should be asking for explanations, from politicians and the pro-media journalists who choose to ignore these facts.


  1. Some people suffer significant health problems from the $$meter even if the transmitter is disabled. I would strongly recommend that everyone keep a diary with the date problems are experienced. This sort of documentation could be very handy should you decide to lay a charge against Hydro. It could possibly come to the point where many of use sue Hydro because of health problems, invasion of privacy, or fire issues because having the transmitter disabled does not eliminate the problems, it just reduces the amount of RF in your environment. Diaries noting anything unusual could be useful.

“opt-out meter is just a smart meter with the wireless turned off. It will hurt you nearly as much as the smart meter because of the “dirty electricity” generated by the meter. If you wish to avoid the health (and privacy) problems associated with smart meters, then you must keep your analog meter. Turning off the radiofrequency will not solve the health (or the privacy) problems associated with DTE and Consumers Energy smart meters.”


At the bottom of this webpage you can read about how 2 families suffered health problems due to the $$meters’ dirty electricity.


  1. SANCTUARIES for those with EHS: Many people who are sensitive are looking for a EMR clean place to live, or even to spend a few days to recover.  Kim Goldberg is gathering info. about places for people to consider. It’s wonderful that more places are becoming available.


  1. A very innovative decision by the Ohio Public Utility Commission. It decided that people opting out of the smeter program do not have to pay a fee until the cost reductions have not been realized.

“We find that customers should not have to pay for advanced meter opt-out service if they are not actually receiving a reduction in costs resulting from the operational efficiencies created by AEP Ohio’s gridSMART Program,” the panel said in the decision.”          http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/business/2016/04/27/aep-must-prove-smart-meters-save-customers-money-before-charging-to-opt-out.html# 



Letter from a member to the other members of the Coalition:

BAD NEWS  – April 25, 2016 -We can no longer get analog replacements (no more inventory).  See bit of my history below:

Question out to all of you ….Has anyone who got a letter dated Feb 9, 2016 or later actually asked for and got a replacement analog when the Hydro guys came around to do the replacement?

Perhaps we are at a point where there is nothing more we can do on this issue. We certainly cannot afford to keep paying $65.00 for failed installation fees they bill us. Would be good to hear from some of you. Would you just email Sharon back and let her know so she can advise the rest of us what is happening out there at this point  Thanks.  (Please put “analog installed” on the subject line.)

Bit of history from July 2014 to present:

Back in July 2014 when our original analog meter supposedly expired (we never knew the date of that expiry)….we received a replacement old analog.  As per your instructions I emailed Smart Meters@bchydro.com on July 7,2014 requesting to know the meter seal expiry of this replacement General Electric Analog (I had provided the meter#).  They wrote back on July 8, 2014 telling us our meter seal expiry date is in 2016 and went on to say… “Once the accuracy seal on this meter expires, it will be removed from service. You will receive a replacement old meter as long as there is a stock of old meters. Once Inventory is depleted, you will have the opportunity to choose a radio-off smart meter or a smart meter in accordance with the Electric Tariff.”

We had received a letter on Feb 9, 2016 informing us our analog meter is now expired and there was no longer any stock of legacy meters so we only had the option to switch to receive a standard smart meter for free or a radio-off meter…saying that radio-off meters do not communicate wirelessly. It went on to say that radio-off meters cycle through to a screen that shows “RF OPT OUT”. Then when on to tell us a onetime $22.60 fee to convert the meter, then a monthly fee of $20 and a onetime exit fee of $55 if you move or change back to a smart meter.

On Feb 15, 2016 I phoned to tell them to make an appointment but they said no appointments they would call the day previous. They never called ahead but they arrived at our home on April 25, 2016 and informed my husband who was outside right beside the outside meter that they were there to replace the meter. My husband told them we were legacy metered and only wanted an analog. They told him they had absolutely no analogs and there was no remaining analog inventory….so we would now have to choose a radio-off or standard smart meter. He told them we would only take an analog that we understood there still was a supply as others had been receiving them. They said they did not have any. They were very polite saying that lots of people had been refusing …..and then left. On April 27, 2015 I phoned 1-800-409-8199. Was told by Michael (Customer Metering Team) that there is no inventory of analogs left since the end of Dec 2015. I told him I understood that there were still analog inventory as persons had been receiving them still. (I didn’t tell him where my source of information was coming from but it was in reference to the email below) .  He told me that is not the case and that if anyone had…. It would only be ones who were due for an analogue replacement earlier and it was delayed by Hydro. He went on to tell me that  a letter had just been today sent out to our address.  He would not share what was in that letter saying we could wait and read it when it came. Our guess is a bill for $65 will be charged for failed installation fee.  So I guess now we will likely be charged the $65.00 and be forced still to take a smart meter anyways. More money out the door. Anybody have any suggestions??

Thanks, xxxxx,  Ladysmith, BC



“You will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known, and exist, before it is generally received and acted on.”   Ben Franklin 


Sent from my safe, secure wired laptop with no wifi enabled

Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation