2015-07-06 FortisBC wants to change your minds



  • A member sent in this excellent 18 minute presentation from Australia about Wi-Fi in schools. Please share with parents, teachers, principals, and trustees. They need to know about the risks associated with this technology that is being put into every school, from pre-schools through university.



  • Solar farm being considered in Nelson. This would be the first in Canada.



  • From a member. Important to recognize symptoms, also to realize that the best thing is to avoid/reduce RF exposure as much as possible. For many, they become sensitive after having been exposed to high levels or for a long time. The cumulative effect is EHS.


“REVERSE disease symptoms naturally. Hopefully, Western medicine will eventually realize that EMF pollution could be the reason why so many people are suffering today – despite living a relatively healthy lifestyle. Learn how to eliminate the unwanted physical (and emotional) stress connected to EMF pollution.”

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/050285_EMF_pollution_chronic_disease_Dr_Dietrich_Klinghardt.html#ixzz3ewEAc0ae


  • Presentation by Olle Johansson at the recent Paris Appeal conference, about EHS. (15 minutes)

“Please, find enclosed my most recent public presentation “Le trouble fonctionnel de l’EHS – de la théorie à la pratique” (“The functional impairment electrohypersensitivity – from theory to practice”) from The 5th Paris Appeal Congress, The Royal Academy of Medicine, Brussels, Belgium, May 18, 2015.”



6)   It seems that a consistent feature of public utility companies is  that performance isn’t reflected in salaries. In The Province a couple of years ago, Mike Smyth provided information about the people earning more than $75,000 a year, and there were many, and a large number making significantly more than that. In Saskatchewan, despite the fiasco with the smart meters, the salaries increased quite dramatically.



7)   Screen addiction is rampant among children of all ages and is taking a toll. Not only are they constantly exposed to RF radiation, unless the computers, eg. are on airplane mode, but they are missing the world as it passes them by.



We need to reach as many people as possible, especially those with smart meters. Please share, tweet, — ask your kids to tweet!


Sharon Noble

 Centron Smart Meter Fire

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Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation