2014-07-12 In 1972 the US Navy new how dangerous RF radiation was.

1)   Symptoms from “Radio Frequency radiation sickness” Attached is a chart produced by the US Naval Medical Research Institute in 1972, showing some of the symptoms from “radiation sickness”. The US govt. knew before that that exposure to radiofrequency radiation was harmful. Why is Health Canada still denying this? 2)  BC Hydro – Estimated Billing … Continue reading 2014-07-12 In 1972 the US Navy new how dangerous RF radiation was.

2017-12-16 In US EMR war games, Navy is not using best available science.

[Noise from US Navy Electronic Attack EA-18G Growlers in EMR RF War Games – Please Comment on Daryl Osborne Letter re Cell Tower (Cancer, Cell Phones, EMFs, Health, IAFF Opposition to Antennas, Pets, Property Values, WHO, Wireless Radiation) – Site C (Arlene & Ken Boon, BC Hydro, Botterell Law Corp., BCUC, Carol Bellringer, Costs, David … Continue reading 2017-12-16 In US EMR war games, Navy is not using best available science.

2020-07-07 Russian study shows biological effects from milliwave radiation

1) Another govt official (a former senior one) speaks out about the failure of the current FCC guidelines to protect wildlife, as well as humans. This biologist compares the lack of action with regard to RF radiation, especially given the excellent recent research, to what happened re. tobacco and smoking. Lobbyists, pressure on politicians from … Continue reading 2020-07-07 Russian study shows biological effects from milliwave radiation

2019-04-17 Mercola covers Cancer Clusters at Elementary School

1) Another excellent article by Dr. Mercola to his readers. Cell Tower Removed From Schoolyard Due to Cluster of Cancer Cases “Unlike the 4G technology currently in use, which relies on 90-foot cell towers with about a dozen antenna ports on each, the 5G system uses “small cell” facilities or bases, each with about 100 antenna ports. These … Continue reading 2019-04-17 Mercola covers Cancer Clusters at Elementary School