4 thoughts on “Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe – Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children 2014”

  1. I am an adult and RF has made me very ill. I was the only one in town who managed to get my smart meter removed. My neighbors all have them and between that and their wifi, I keep having small strokes. I am confined to a shielded bed and as long as I stay there-no strokes. When I spend much time out of the shielding, they return. When the smart meter was on, my heart rate was, so bad, I faced not ever waking again, everynight I weent to sleep. I of course would get shocked awake a couple hours later. I still have to use the bath and kitchen and can not speak normally any more-jumbled speech. I am going to try to use them less and it will improve. No one should have to live like this. All my bad conditions have been made worse. Thank you for your work. This is so dangerous!

  2. I have been involved with pulsed electromagnetic radiation since 2000 including attending the Sir William Steward conference In Cardiff, Birmingham and London and it seems from speaking at these meetings conferences that the panel who sat along side Sir William Steward knew virtually nothing on the dangers of pulsed electromagnetic radiation and it effects on the human body.

    At the end of these conferences I was asked by William Stewart if they could have my research going back some 10 yrs prior to these conference’s to which I had to decline.

    Another matter that deeply concerns me is that this pulsed electromagnetic radiation can be also used against people in the form of Mind Control to which has been known about long before the invention of Mobile phones. I have spoken at length to Dr. Barry Tower who agrees With me that this technology is actually lethal and so is WiFi and within 10 to 15 yrs we will see the effects that these technologies on our children of today.

    DR BARRY TROWER stated that this and previous governments well-be responsible for more civilians death than all the terrorist organisations in the world put together. Many children today of will have died by the time they have reached the age of 20 or if not dead will have some sort of dreadful disease which will result them dying a painful and horrible death In their yrs ahead. Parents must be educated of the real dangers of this technology on their children and their wellbeing that’s if the parents care enough (which I doubt) because believe me I’ve tried and the result was a blank look on their faces.

  3. HI TED. Forgive me for not knowing how to answer your questions you raise, the reason why I declined my research to the Sir William Stewart report was because that so called enquiry cost in the region of 3. 5 million pounds to conduct whilst all my research cost me time and effort and nothing else so it seemed to me that the Sir William enquiry should have had all its evidence before this enquiry started and before I was asked to give my own thoughts on this technology. I won’t back to the 1950s with regard to this technology including Rose Adey and others in what TPTB were up to at that time. If people think that this technology (ie) mobile phones wrre put into place for their convenience then they had better think again. If you want my research into this technology I can be contacted on derekgoughg@googlemail.com and I will forward any revelation research I have done onto to you, including the very real dangers of WiFi to children and of course the TETRA system used by our police and the implications of officers and that of their health and the health of people in close proximity of living within a TETRA mast.

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