Category Archives: SMART METERS

Brain Tumor Rates Are Rising in the US: The Role of Cell Phone & Cordless Phone Use

The likelihood of developing a non-malignant brain tumor has increased in recent years in the U.S.

According to newly-released data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the overall age-adjusted incidence (per 100,000 persons) of non-malignant brain tumors significantly increased from 2004 through 2012.

The increase was observed among
children 0-19 years of age (1.7 in 2004; 2.3 in 2012)
adults 20 years and older (15.9 in 2004; 19.7 in 2012).

“After ten years of wireless phone use (i.e., cell phone plus cordless phone use), the risk of glioma doubles and after 25 years, the risk triples (Hardell et al, 2013).”

See the full report HERE from SaferEMR.COM

What this tells me is that if the RF Radiation from Smart Meters is similar to that of wireless phones then anyone living or sleeping close to a Smart Meter will also suffer an increased rate of glioma.   (Ted)

Smart meter safety risk – Letter to BC Minister of Energy and Mines Bennett

June 26. 2015 – For Immediate Release


 What did ITRON know and when did they know it? They knew these smart meters were dangerous and they knew from the very beginning.

 We, the taxpayers who fund BC Hydro, demand a refund from ITRON for selling a defective, dangerous device.

 ITRON’s smart meters have design flaws that make them fire hazards. These were sold to many places before they were sold to BC Hydro, so ITRON had to have been aware of problems long before the contract was signed.

Failures and fires have occurred in BC.   How many no one knows because no one is tracking.

BCUC was told through the Clean Energy Act and Direction 4 it had no authority to interfere in the smart meter program in any way.   BC Safety Authority has been told to butt out of the smart meter program. And the Provincial Fire Commissioner doesn’t track specific causes of fires. So no one knows, except, perhaps BC Hydro and they’re not talking.

But now, through sworn testimony in a legal action in Texas obtained by Sharon Noble, Director of the Coalition to Stop Smart Meters, we learn that there have been many incidents of ITRON Openway smart meters — the same model used by BC Hydro and Fortis BC — failing and burning, palettes of them, according to one testimonial.

Now is the time, before more homes are damaged, and more lives put at risk, to say this program is a fiasco. WE WANT THIS PROGRAM ENDED, AND WE WANT OUR MONEY BACK.

Noble says, “Whenever we purchase something that doesn’t work the way it is supposed to, we can return it and expect our money back. These smart meters were purported to be safe, just as safe as the old analogs. But they aren’t and now we have proof from a completely independent source – a Texas court.   Bill Bennett needs to stop this program, recall the smart meters, demand that analogs be put back in place, and send ITRON the bill.”’

Certainly ITRON knew long ago that these meters were cheaply made with flaws that could cause the meters to fail catastrophically. They should have warned us – it should not be up to us to have to fight to protect our homes. WE WANT OUR MONEY BACK.


Letter to BC Minister of Energy and Mines Bennett


From: Dennis and Sharon Noble []
Sent: June 25, 2015 2:25 PM
To: Bill Bennett (; ‘
Cc: John Horgan. Leader NDP;;
Christy Clark (;‘;
Atamanenko, Alex – Riding 1A;; ‘‘;

Subject: Smart meter safety risk

June 25, 2015
Hon. Bill Bennett
Minister of Energy and Mines
Room 301
Parliament Buildings
Victoria, BC V8V 1X4

Dear Mr. Bennett:

In 2012 Armen Kassabian, Ontario Fire Marshal, wrote a report that expressed serious concerns about the safety of smart meters, regardless of the brand.  They fail.  They melt.  They burn.

Mr. Bennett, for the last 2 years I have been tracking smart meter failures in British Columbia, and have provided you with evidence showing that there is justification for major concern. Just like the Sensus smart meters in Saskatchewan, the Itron meters in BC have overheated, melted and burned. More failures have occurred in BC than in Saskatchewan, yet you and BC Hydro have taken no steps to ensure the public’s safety. In fact, you and BC Hydro have denied that these meters have failed or put lives at risk.

There is now evidence that you cannot – must not – ignore.

With this letter I have provided a printed copy of a recent lawsuit in Texas that contains testimony given under oath by journeyman linesmen who have worked for utilities for many years. They state that ITRON Openway meters used by Centerpoint Energy in Houston, the very same model being used by BC Hydro and Fortis BC, have failed in large numbers. This document also is available at

Of particular note:

1)            Those testifying had confirmed fires and failures with other linesmen and trouble-shooters prior to making the statements. Pg. 25

2)            The linesmen reported that the utility had “two pallets of burned up (Itron) meters”.  Pg. 8

3)            The linesmen reported problems with “meters’ communication with the remote site control and many issues with meters melting and burning up.”  Pg. 8

4)            Linesmen determined that “part of the problem was a loose connection between the meter and the meter base because the smart meters had thinner “blades” than the previous analog meters” (emphasis added)     Pg. 8 This gap could cause arcing leading to fires.

5)            Concerns were raised about the ITRON smart meters “creating arc flashes, which could burn the customers’ wiring and create ‘hazardous conditions.’ …These hazardous conditions include potentially causing arc flashes, which could result in anything from minor to third degree burns to technicians who remove the meters.”  Pg. 8

6)            An experienced trouble-shooter for a utility reported that he had “responded to more fire calls once the smart meters were deployed and these often involved heating problems at the meter base.”  Pg. 13

7)            “ Reed’s testimony concerned products used by Respondent. Landis + Gyr is the manufacturer of the AMS meter used by Respondent and Itron is the manufacturer of the meters used by CenterPoint Energy in Houston.”  Pg. 25

The model used in Houston is the ITRON C2SOD, Openway Centron II the same model used by BC Hydro and Fortis BC.

8)            At Oncor and Centerpoint there was a consistent corporate message that utility employees are to tell customers that any problem, whether it’s damaged appliances or a fire, was due to the meter base which is owned by the client, not the smart meter.  Pg. 10. This is the same message that, according to Hydro insiders, BC Hydro has given to its employees.


Mr. Bennett, I could provide you with many statistics and data that I have gathered over the last 2 years that would help explain why the meters are a fire hazard, but I believe that is unnecessary. I have provided you with most of them already.   Instead, I will summarize what I have found in addition to the details provided above:

1)            Electronic digital and smart meters — which are combustible and vulnerable to heat — should have reliable means for immediately disconnecting them from the grid in the entirely foreseeable event of circuit failure (lithium-metal batteries, diodes, electrolytic capacitors, transistors, etc.). Such reliable means are apparently not provided. With an effectively unlimited current supply from the grid this lack of protection creates a significant fire risk when the meter is combustible as is the ITRON smart meter.

2)            I’ve been told by knowledgeable people that the remote disconnect switch apparently is unreliable and poorly designed, having been implicated in fires across North American. To function it relies on other components of the meter that, in all likelihood, would be compromised in the event of overheating or other failures. Arcing, arc flash, and heating from the disconnect switch are also serious hazards that derive from the unprotected grid connection.

3)            The meter installation process was questionable, given the lack of qualifications of the personnel recruited to carry out the installations. Use of inadequately qualified installation personnel significantly increases the risk of: (a) failure to observe existing meter base/wiring problems; and (b)  damaging the base during exchange; both of these can lead to “hot sockets” with the attendant risk of fire.

4)            The meter bases into which these meters are being placed were designed, tested, and CSA approved to hold an electro-mechanical analog meter which is not combustible. . Our multiple requests for proof of certification of the meter base in conjunction with a combustible electronic meter, either digital or smart meter, have been ignored. It is a highly questionable practice, probably illegal, to install electronic meters on a base designed and  CSA tested/approved only  for electro- mechanical analogue meters.

5)            In BC the BC Safety Standards Act exempts BC Hydro and Fortis BC from having their equipment certified by CSA and smart meters have been determined to be utility equipment.  The exemption is conditional under section 21-4 which states that utility equipment must be certified safe by a professional electrical engineer licensed in BC.  BC Hydro stated it does not have this certification.

6)            According to the Fire Commissioner’s Office, BC Hydro is allowed to remove and has removed smart meters from scenes of fires before the fire inspection has been completed “since it is their meter.” This runs counter to the BC Fire Safety Act.

7)            BC Hydro has reported that no smart meter has been inspected in its laboratory, Power Tech, after it has failed. Instead all failed meters are returned immediately to Itron for replacement. I have been told in response to a Freedom of Information request that BC Hydro is doing no investigation to determine the reason for the failure.

8)            There appears to be no agency that is tracking incidents involving smart meters.

The BC Utility Commission, according to the BC Utilities Commission Act, has responsibility to ensure BC Hydro’s products and practices will not endanger the public. With regard to the smart meter program, the BCUC informs me this responsibility has been overruled by the Clean Energy Act and Direction 4 because it has been told it cannot interfere in the smart meter program in any way, even with regard to public safety.

The BC Safety Authority, which normally ensures that electrical devices are safe and that any unsafe devices are reported, advised me that they have been told that they have no authority regarding the smart meter program.

9)            Fire reports have indicated the cause of some fires to be due to failed electrical distribution equipment. Len Garis, in the report commissioned by BC Hydro, stated that reference to electrical distribution equipment usually refers to meters.

10)          Budgets to fire departments have been reduced to the point where departments do not have the resources to determine causes of all fires. Many fires are not reported even after 2 years. In addition, one fire chief told me that they were told to rule out arson, and not bother going further. As a result in many cases, the fire’s cause is given as “undetermined.”  Of the fires for which I’ve requested reports from the Fire Commissioner, 50% have no determined cause!

11)          Because of the lack of resources, investigations are carried out by people with limited electrical fire forensics ability, and, therefore, it is possible that many fires that might be associated with smart meters are going undetected. As a result, it is possible that many problems are going undetected and unremedied, jeopardizing the property and lives of British Columbians.

12)          Regulations in Quebec require that Hydro-Quebec ensures that smart meters are not within 3 meters of a propane tank. If the tank or meter cannot be removed, then the remote disconnect switch, which has been found to have been involved in fires in Saskatchewan, must be disabled. It seems prudent that similar precautionary measures should be taken regarding proximity of smart meters to any flammable materials. I wrote to you, Mr. Bennett, and BC Hydro authorities on June 4 asking what precautionary steps BC Hydro would be taking, and to date I received no response.

Our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Section 7, grants Canadian citizens the right to refuse actions by the government that the citizens believe to be harmful.

Further, “the Federal Court of Appeal has opened the door to lawsuits against government regulators for negligent administration of their regulatory schemes and created the possibility of suing a regulator for damages under public law if the regulator violates a clear duty to act or exercises its public power in an “irrational” or “clearly wrong” manner.” /

Based upon the information I’ve provided to you, I believe it is safe to say that this smart meter program has major problems that cannot be ignored any longer. You, Mr. Bennett, as Minister of Energy, are responsible for allowing this program to continue.  With receipt of this package of material, which I am sending via registered mail, you cannot say you didn’t know that these smart meters are fire hazards.

I am sure that your concern for the safety and welfare of your constituents is paramount. Based upon the information I’ve presented, this concern is best addressed by halting the program and removing the smart meters, pending an investigation.

Should you wish further information about anything that I’ve said, please ask.


Sharon Noble


This will be sent to  All MLAs

Health Canada, our Provincial Government and Dr. Perry Kendall, our PHO, are NOT protecting us from today’s microwave radiation!

A letter from Jerry Flynn to BC Municipal and Regional Governments


June 17, 2015

Dear Municipal/Regional District Governments and UBCM,

Contrary to what Health Canada, the BC Government and BC’s Provincial Health Officer (PHO) , Dr. Perry Kendall tell us all, the unvarnished truth about  today’s wireless radio products e.g., baby monitors, Smart Meters, Wi-Fi routers, cell phones, cell towers, cordless phones, tablet and laptop computers, GPS, AM and FM transmitting towers etc. can be seen below. The attachment is self-explanatory:

  • On May 11, 2015, the International EMF Scientists Appeal, signed by more than 200 world-class scientists from 39 countries and sent to the Secretary General of the United Nations, to all UN member countries, and to the WHO appealed to all of them to protect humans and wild life from the dangers of EMF and wireless technology!
  • Insurance companies WILL NOT INSURE against any health-related claim attributed to the radio / microwave frequency radiation emitted by today’s wireless radio devices!
  • No President and Chief Executive Officer of any wireless or telecom company or any electric utility – anywhere – will state unequivocally that their wireless products are SAFE, i.e., they can be safely used by, on or around people of all ages and sizes, regardless of any illnesses and/or diseases they might already be suffering from, on a continuous basis all day, every day, in perpetuity — as Smart Meters, cell phone towers, Wi-Fi routers, AM and FM towers, cordless phones etc. do. These devices all  emit pulsed, NON-thermal radiation 24/7/365 in perpetuity, and only Wi-Fi routers are capable of being shut off.
  • But the above CEOs all do say that their products COMPLY with Health Canada’s Safety Code 6! It is critical that you fully understand the importance of this difference! Health Canada, the BC Government and BC’s PHO all allow the wireless and telecom industry and both electric utilities to sell and install their purportedly ‘safe’ wireless products simply because they COMPLY with Safety Code 6!
  • Today’s Safety Code 6 dates back to 1979 and, sadly, has changed very little since then (which was almost 10 years before cell phones appeared en masse in Canada, and today there are in excess of 7-Billion cell phones world-wife!). Safety Code 6 is and always has been the root cause of what non-industry scientists consider is a crime against humanity! Because of Safety Code 6, innocent, unsuspecting and utterly defenseless people (including government members themselves and their families) are being literally forced – by law – to endure what has become, over these past 25 or so years, a dense, ever-thickening, yet invisible cloud of electro-magnetic radiation (EMR), which the World Health Organization has coined: “Electro-Smog.” Non-industry scientists the world-over consider this EMR to be the biggest single threat to human health in our planet’s entire history! Originally, Safety Code 6 was established to provide up to six (6) minutes’ protection to federal workers weighing, on average, 200 pounds, who needed to maintain or service high voltage transmission lines, power sub-stations etc. Yet, somehow, over these past 35-or so years, Health Canada has managed things such that the general population are now told that Safety Code 6 protects them from ALL sources of radiation – simultaneously, regardless of how many microwave-emitting devices may impact on a person, a family or an entire community! This is not right! This is knowingly dishonest! This is criminal! Imagine for a moment a Motor Vehicle Highways Department that sets the highway speed limit at, say, 300 MPH, knowing full well that automobiles cannot go that fast! Consequently, no vehicle can ever exceed the ‘legal’ speed limit! The same applies to wireless radio devices: because Safety Code 6 radiation Exposure Limits are so egregiously high, Health Canada and Industry artfully tell us all that their products are in compliance, and therefore they must be safe! Now perhaps the reader can understand why Safety Code 6 is, and always has been, vilified around the world by non-industry scientists and informed people everywhere!
  • None of today’s wireless products has had to undergo independent, pre-market Safety tests to ensure they are safe to be used by, on and around people on a continuous 24/7/365 day basis in perpetuity! Eminent non-industry scientists say that no level of radiation is safe for people! Examples include: Anthony Miller, Professor Emeritus of the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Dr. Neil Cherry of New Zealand (now deceased), two-time Nobel nominee Dr. Robert O. Becker (now deceased), Dr. Olle Johansson of the Karolinskaa Institute in Sweden. Others say: “If there is a SAFE level, we haven’t discovered it yet.”
  • Even the cell phone industry’s own studies, in both the U.S. and Germany, showed their products are harmful to people – – and might lead to cancer!
  • Most if not all major cell phone manufacturers have taken out global patents in which they themselves acknowledge their products are harmful and can cause or may lead to cancer!
  • Every cell phone manufacturer includes in their Owner’s Manual specific instructions not to hold the device within a specific distance from any part of the body – not just the head!
  • It is no accident that the so-called ‘safe radiation Exposure Limits reflected in Safety Code 6 are virtually identical to those of the USA. The specific group of scientists who determine the ‘Exposure Limits’ for the U.S. includes members of the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, Motorola, Nokia, Siemens, Alcatel-Lucent and Bell. All Canadians – governments and public alike – should note that the Co-Chairman of that very committee is Health Canada’s own Dr. Art Thansandote! A position he has held since at least 2008! Dr. James McNamee is also on it (and it was he who was the principle scientist responsible for the latest iteration of Safety Code 6-2015!) Other members include representatives from Health Canada, Industry Canada – – and Exponent Inc., the product-defense scientists who so effectively defended both BC Hydro and Fortis BC with respect to the ‘safety’ of their proposed   wireless Smart Meters!

Readers needing more evidence should note the Federal Government of Canada’s own recent Parliamentary Health Committee (HESA) report on Safety Code 6, in April 2015. (See below).

Parliamentary Health Committee (HESA) Investigation into Safety Code 6, 2015.

(for the full version go to   Highlights:

  • Health Canada admits studies show harm at levels below Safety Code 6;
  • Health Canada ignores the scientific research: its review is subject to bias and incorrect conclusions;
  • Health Canada and Industry Canada ignore recommendations from the 2010 Health Committee “offer to provide information, including awareness sessions on exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation.”
  • In its “fact sheet”, comparing Canada vs other countries, Health Canada omits countries representing 1.2 billion people with safety levels below Safety Code 6;
  • Health Canada’s statements to the committee conflict with statements made under oath in Quebec Superior Court on Feb. 13th, 2013 (Dr. James McNamee had admitted to the judge in 2013 that Safety Code 6 applied only to THERMAL radiation!).
  • Health Canada admits there are no studies regarding the cumulative effects of several devices from wireless radiation.
  • Health Canada ignores the 2010 Health Committee recommendation to “ensure that it has a process in place to receive and respond to reports of adverse reactions to electromagnetic radiation emitting devices.”
  • Health Canada resists the request to have a database that physicians may be asked to look at any kind of possible cause and effect on new cancers among people?
  • Scientific expert calls for a special category for pregnant women.
  • Health Canada advises that 36 of the 140 Studies submitted by C4ST WERE included in the 2015 Safety Code 6 – BUT WHERE?
Read HESA’s report concerning:
  • Evidence of links to brain cancer;
  • Evidence of links to breast cancers;
  • Evidence that children are more at risk;
  • Canadians feel deceived by product manufacturers and the government;
  • Evidence of damage to sperm;
  • Experts call for public education;
  • Evidence for recognition of, and treatment for, electro-hypersensitivity (EHS).

Readers should recall that in 2010, British Columbia’s Bill 17 (the “Clean Energy Act”) was passed by Gordon Campbell’s government, which mandated that Smart Meters be installed on all dwellings and occupied buildings in B.C. Tragically, the Government of BC permitted B.C. Hydro to utilize wireless radio Smart Meters, which emit pulsed, NON-thermal microwave frequency radiation (called electro-magnetic radiation or “EMR”). One year later, in 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) classified EMR – ALL EMR – a Class 2B or “Possible” carcinogen. Any reasonable person would have expected, given the WHO’s re-classification of EMR to that of a  Possible Carcinogen, that BC’s Government would have repealed wireless radio Smart Meters and immediately ordered that wireless Smart Meters already installed be replaced with harmless, non-irradiating analogue meters. But that never happened! This is the government British Columbians have today. Consequently it falls to Municipal and Regional governments and to UBCM to wake up and stand up – – for every person, flora and fauna living in British Columbia! If you won’t protect us, who can?

Those requiring or wanting more information, please feel free to contact me.
James G. (“Jerry) Flynn, Captain (retired)
5181 Gainsberg Road
Bowser, B.C., V0R 1G0


Flynn letter to College of Physicians and Surgeons – Dr. Perry Kendall June 14, 2015

Electromagnetic Age – Sleeping Giant by Dr. Mac Paterson

Dr Paterson has made several presentations in the Okanagan Valley of BC describing the Potential Health Effects of our modern Wireless Age with Smart Phones,  Wi-Fi devices and Smart Meters.

See his slide presentation here.  The format is in PDF format and the file is rather large, about 60 MBytes so you have to down load the file and then open it with Adobe Reader.  Sorry, there is no audio with this version.  We are working on getting a YouTube version with Dr. Paterson narrating and giving more details.

Dr. Paterson’s presentation describes the major health impacts of RF Radiation and is a must view.  Please educate yourself to protect yourself and your family.

Dr. Paterson’s Professional History

Dr. Paterson’s slide show. Age Sleeping Giant.pdf

Ontario Hydro One Customers are going BALLISTIC

People living in BC are having a tough time with BC Hydro and Fortis BC.

The problems we are fighting are

  • Smart Meter Radiation causing health problems
  • High and unexplained power usage
  • Bully tactics about Smart Meter installation
  • Onerous charges for keeping old Analogue meters

I have just visited a face book group that is trying to get consumers of power in Ontario which is supplied by Hydro ONE.

See this Face Book group and get ideas how we can fix our problems with BC Hydro and Fortis BC.

Hydro One - Enough is Enough


ZigBee – Here it comes, ready or not



Do you know much about ZigBee?

The ZigBee network system that will talk to all of your utilities like the furnace,  stove, and dishwasher, is coming down the tracks and like it or not, it will be a major factor in most homes in the next 3 years or so.

There are many benefits according to the industry that is building all of the electronics that make up the ZIGBEE system.  Life is going to be so much better and happier and easier with ZIGBEE.  Just think, you can check on the temperature of your refrigerator from work or turn on the furnace automatically on your way home or dim the dining room lights from your smart phone.

However, there are many problems that have been identified about the ZIGBEE system:

RF Radiation will be increased and will be generated by ALL of your household electronic devices:  lights,  TV,  DishWasher, Stove, Clothes Washer/Dryer,  and even smart light bulbs.  The home will be awash in RF.

There are many people now that are EHS  (if you do not know what this means then do a search).  Estimates are that 10% of the general population are EHS now.  Researchers believe that this rate is increasing and soon will be 50%.  Does that mean that all homes with Smart Meters and the symbiotic ZIGBEE network will be toxic to a major segment of the population and will decrease their level of health and enjoyment of life?  There are studies that show RF Radiation has a detrimental effect on health especially in the fetus and young children.  RF Radiation has been shown to cause cancer (see Cell phone brain cancer studies).

Privacy –  Hackers will be able to find out so much about the lives of the residents of the house:  how many people are living there,  estimates on gender,  estimates on age range.  Marketing firms will be able to send advertising specifically to the target group. eg.  if you have young children then you will have marketing specifically for young children. etc.   Governmental security agencies will certainly be using this to spy on suspects. (good or bad?)

Security –  Hackers will find ways of using your ZIGBEE system to get as much information from your house as possible.  If they can steal a billion dollars from many banks (this is just in the news) then hacking the Smart Grid and your ZibBee house network should not be much of a problem.  Scenario –  Hacker turns off the power to the freezer while you are away for the weekend and all of your frozen food is now unfrozen.  Hmmm,  what to do?

Control – If all of your electronics are on the ZIGBEE network and you have some control over them, THEN agencies outside of your home will also have control over them.  This is a 1984 scenario.  Your air conditioning can be turned off when there is not enough electricity for everyone.  Is this good or bad?  The channel that you are watching on TV will be known by the ZIGBEE (maybe) and thus fed to a polling agency or marketing agency.  You may not be able to turn on the clothes dryer at supper time because the power company tells the ZIGBEE unit to prevent use until 10 pm, for instance.

It is going to be very interesting to see how this plays out.

Check out the details of ZIGBEE (CLICK HERE).


The Electromagentic Age – A sleeping Giant by Dr Mac Paterson

Dr Mac Paterson gave a presentation in Kaleden BC on Saturday Feb 21, 2015.  The presentation was attended by about 250 people.

The presentation is not available yet on video but hopefully it soon will be.

Dr Paterson is scheduled to give the presentation in Kelowna and Salmon Arm next month, so watch for the dates and locations.

Here are some of the parts of his presentation that I found interesting.

Dr Paterson has been involved in research all of his career and has many professional publications to his credit.  He specialized in Molecular Oncology.

The Canadian Safety Code 6 is only concerned with the heating effects of radiation and nothing to do with the electrical effects on the human body.  The human body is chemical and electrical in nature and even very low levels of microwave radiation impacts the body.  Safety Code 6 allows 600 µW/cm² (microwatts per square cm) whereas it has been shown that the human body is sensitive to 0.1 µW/cm² ,  a factor of 6,000 times.

The experts that decided on the level of the Safety Code 6 were experts in the physics of electrical RF radiation and there were no experts who knew anything about the effect on the human body’s electrical functioning.  This resulted in this huge discrepancy.

Some people that suffer from EHS (Electro Hyper Sensitivity) feel RF radiation at levels that are 0.5% of the levels allowed by Safety Code 6.

Dr Paterson estimates that about 25,000 people in BC suffer from some level of EHS; mild to severe.  Also, other researchers estimate that 4% to 10% of all people in the world are EHS.  There are estimates that 50% of all people will be EHS soon.  One researcher says by 2017.

There are many studies (42 to date) that confirm the fact that the magnetic field created by high voltage (high tension) power lines does cause a significant increase in childhood leukemia.

Concerning the opt-out of Smart meters, Dr Paterson says that communities, and not individuals, should OPT-OUT.

Pulsed RF radiation has been shown to be 2.5 times more damaging to human health than clean sinusoidal 60 Hz power.

Computers that use the SMPS (switch mode power supply) create significant amounts of DE (dirty electricity) which is pulsed and may (does) cause health effects especially in EHS people.

Tobacco has been shown to have a 20 year lag time between smoking and the average time of the diagnosis of cancer.  RF Radiation is thought to be similar and if so then the numbers of cancers due to RF Radiation will soon increase dramatically.  This will crush the medial systems and the economy.





EHS problems in The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

The Section for Transport, Energy, Infrastructure and the Information Society (TEN) of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has now produced it’s final draft opinion that we reported on recently. It would have represented a giant step forward in the recognition of EHS (electromagnetic hypersensitivity) and the need in society to dramatically alter our approach to supporting sufferers of the condition.

However on the 21st January 2015, a Counter-Opinion was proposed and voted on before the EHS Opinion and the Counter Opinion was passed by plenary vote. That means that the good TEN 559 EHS Opinion was dismissed.

The Adams Counter-Opinion was voted on first and was passed 136 votes to 110 votes with 19 Abstentions. .

Read the summary attached.  Note that Adams is very heavily connected to industry and is very much driven to prove that EHS is not a problem.  Ted’s Rule #1 = “Follow the money”.  He also promotes installation of Smart Meters and the Smart Grid.  This is just another example of the wireless industry bull-dozing their way through the democratic process.

Also see this open letter by Susan Foster about the vote against recognizing EHS.


BC’s Itron smart meters put lives and homes at risk — who is looking out for us?

January 28, 2015 • For Immediate Release

Smart meters have design flaws that have caused fires across North America, including in British Columbia.

In Saskatchewan, Oregon, Florida, and now Ontario, measures are being taken to protect residents. Meanwhile in BC, Energy Minister Bill Bennett and BC Hydro refuse to acknowledge this fire hazard exists, allowing these meters to remain on homes and businesses, putting our lives and property at risk.

In Saskatchewan, after eight meter failures and one fire, on July 30, 2014, the government ordered all smart meters to be removed immediately. Energy Minister Bill Boyd explained this action as being precautionary. “The concerns about safety are paramount here,” he said. “We believe that any time families are at risk here in Saskatchewan, actions have to be taken and that’s why we have directed SaskPower accordingly.”

In Ontario risks are being reduced. On January 22, 2015 Ontario’s Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) ordered certain smart meters to be removed immediately, as a precautionary measure. The meters have remote disconnect switches and were found to allow water/moisture and other contaminants to get into the meter. This could result in arcing and fire.

“Although there were no serious incidents reported in Ontario involving these meters, when we learned of the events in Saskatchewan we undertook a due diligence safety review to determine if there were any implications for Ontario,” said David Collie, ESA’s President and CEO.

In British Columbia there have been many meter failures and several fires according to official government and BC Hydro sources.

ITRON smart meters have the remote disconnect switch, just like those in Ontario, and they allow water/moisture to accumulate just as they did in Saskatchewan.

In British Columbia there has been at least one fire that, according to the BC Safety Authority, was caused by water leaking into the meter, causing a short circuit.

Yet no one, not Bill Bennett, not BC Hydro, not the BC Safety Authority is even acknowledging the fire risk, let alone taking precautionary measures to protect us and our homes.

engineers who, on a voluntary basis are studying the meters, have found several serious flaws, one of the significant ones being the remote disconnect switch. They are concerned that proper testing of the switch and of the meters themselves hasn’t taken place and there is no certification of safety by either CSA or an independent professional electrical engineer – something required by both common sense and the law.


In the attached commentary, a retired engineer, Bob McKechnie warns, “The switch is critical from the safety point of view because if it fails to operate properly the disconnect function will not be accomplished and safety will not be assured.”

Our government and BC Hydro are playing Russian roulette with our lives and property. Who is watching out for British Columbians? Must people die before Bill Bennett takes action?

Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation