[Open letter] Protection of the health of users overexposed to mobile phone waves: the appeal from our associations to the government! by Alert Phone Gate – November 08, 2019

https://www.phonegatealert.org/en/open-letter-protection-of-the-health-of-users-overexposed-to-mobile-phone-waves-the-appeal-from-our-associations-to-the-government     (click on photo to enlarge)

Dear supporters,

Marianne magazine is publishing today this open letter to French government signed with six other associations working to protect public health. We are counting on you to share it (English translation) and sign the petition


Thank you in advance,
The Phonegate Alert Team

The signatory associations:

Alerte Phonegate ; Robin des toits – Centre de Recherche et d’Information Indépendant sur les Rayonnements Electro Magnétiques – Santé Environnement Rhône Alpes – Association Zones Blanches – WECF (Women engage for a common future) France – Conseil National des Associations Familiales Laïques