2019-03-11 Portland, Oregon fighting 5G

1)  From Kate Wheeler — Please consider supporting Portland’s Resolution re. 5G, as well as sharing it with your local Councils and Mayors. The press release is available at the first link and the second link provides access to the Resolution.


  1. Share widely 
  2. Consider sending encouragement to Portland City Council Members. They are trailblazers and need all the support we can give them. 
  3. Forward this development to your city council and encourage them to follow suit and do the right thing. 

Link to article:  https://portlandtribune.com/pt/9-news/422152-326998-5g-health-risks-to-be-considered-by-city-council

Message as I received it

Please distribute for others to take action today – urge Portland City Council members to vote YES March 13th on the proposed resolution (see below):

Portland City RESOLUTION: Request the federal government update studies on the potential health risks of 5G radio frequency wireless emissions and publish findings, as federal guidelines push for more rapid deployment of 5G.

Link to complete resolution:  https://www.portlandoregon.gov/auditor/article/714951

1.  Please email today to urge City council members to vote YES (Wednesday, March 13th) on the proposed resolution that urges more federal studies on the health risks posed by the additional wireless radiation exposure from 5G transmitters.

Emails for the 4 council members:


 Submit any “official” testimony to City Council:  cctestimony@portlandoregon.gov

2.  And, please thank Mayor Wheeler for his courageous leadership in doing the right thing to protect his citizens, and in urging other U.S. cities to do so, as well:

Mayor Wheeler – mayorwheeler@portlandoregon.gov

 Quoted from a recent article on the resolution:

….[Mayor Wheeler] recently protested a Federal Communications Commission order filed in August requiring cities to accept all applications from telecommunications firms to build new wireless and broadband infrastructure.

Speaking at the U.S. Conference of Mayors winter meeting in Washington DC in late January, Wheeler said, ‘We need every single mayor who cares about this issue — local control of local assets — to sign on with this. The more the better, obviously.'”

2)  More complaints about higher bills after smeters being installed. These from South Carolina where some bills have doubled.  I have yet to hear of bills being reduced thanks to the smeters due to more accurate reading or reductions in rates.

Smart meters blamed by Blue Ridge Electric customers for soaring monthly power bills

“Tabitha Riley said her power bills have nearly doubled since Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative installed a smart meter at the mobile home in Dacusville that she shares with her fiance.

Her two most recent monthly bills were $330 and $370, she said. Before the new meter was installed, her bills were between $150 and $200 per month, she said.”



Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters 

“When there is a doubt, when it comes to our children, there is no doubt.”     Haifa’s mayor, Yona Yahav

Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation