AMR – Transmit only Meters are very dangerous

Recently, I had the opportunity to measure the RF Radiation coming from an ITRON C1SR in Summerland BC and the results were quite alarming.  This is an AMR type of meter. This type of meter has been reported to being used in Nelson and Grand Forks BC.

This C1SR meter transmits a spike of radiation that contains the current kWh reading of the meter every 30 seconds.  This is done so that a Meter Reader with a receiver can drive by any time and can get the reading without having to wait very long.  This time between transmits may be changed by the operator but they have to walk up to the meter and use a direct connection to the meter to do that.  It seems that the meters in Grand Forks are also transmitting at 30 second intervals.

The measurements that I made from the front of the meter in Summerland at a distance of 2 meters ranged from 500 to almost 900 microwatts per square meter ( µW/m²).  This, is quite high when measured at 2m.  The radiation at 1m would be significantly higher.  If this meter were on the side of a house next to a bedroom or kitchen then I would be very concerned.

I used a GigaHertz  HF59B radiation meter and recorded the output on a GigaHertz NFA1000.  Here is what I recorded:


You can see that all spikes were not the same power (I do not know why) but the spacing was almost exactly 30 seconds.

I have also recorded the output of Itron Smart Meters and found that the radiation spikes were similar in strength (amplitude)  but the number of spikes were significantly less than the C1SR meters.

Thus, if you believe that each spike from a digital meter is harmful and the radiation damage is cumulative, then you must conclude that the Itron C1SR and similar AMR meters are capable of serious health impact similar to that of Smart Meters.

Cheers,   Ted



Cell Phone Towers decrease Property Values

Jerry Flynn has been doing some research into the connection between the value of real estate and the proximity of cell towers.

1- New York Times news story, “A Pushback Against Cell Towers,” published in the paper’s Real Estate section, on August 27, 2010: 

2 – In December 2009, 27 Burbank real estate professionals signed a petition/statement offering their professional opinion that the proposed T-Mobile cell tower at Brace Canyon Park would negatively impact the surrounding homes.

3 – “The effect of distance to cell phone towers on house prices” by Sandy Bond, Appraisal Journal, Fall 2007, see attached. Source, Appraisal Journal, found on the Entrepreneur website

4 – The Observer (U.K.), “Phone masts blight house sales: Health fears are alarming buyers as masts spread across Britain to meet rising demand for mobiles,” Sunday May 25, 2003 :

5 – “Cell towers are sprouting in unlikely places.” The New York Times reported on January 9, 2000 (fears that property values could drop between 0 to 40 per cent because of neighboring cell towers)!

EHS Conference London – 7th March 2014

2) Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe speaks on EHS

 An excellent video.  Fast 36 min.  You must pause video to read some of the slides.  Fantastic.  The presentation gets a bit deep but this will give you an idea of what is going on in the world of EHS research.

EHS sufferers are not crazy.  It is the world that has gone crazy.

Diagnosis and Management of Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS): Rapid Overview for a mixed audience

 BSEM Electromagnetic Radiation & Health Conference, London, 7th March 2014 – Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe

Doctors speak out AGAINST WiFi in Toronto Parks.

In August 2013, Josh Matlow, a Toronto city Councilor started a push for free WiFi in Toronto Parks.   see

Also, do a web search to find more “public wireless internet in torontos parks”

In November 2013,   2 respected Medical Doctors  wrote to the Toronto City Councilors stating that WiFi in public parks is not a good idea.

It is imperative that City of Toronto does not install wifi’s in public parks and spaces.  I ask you to vote against Councillor Matlow’s proposal.

The doctors are:

Hugh E. Scully BA, MD, MSc, FRSCICI, FACS, Professor of Surgery, etc.  (see more details by doing a search on Hugh scully toronto)

Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D.  F.A.C.C.,  F.A,C.N, C.N.S (see more details by doing a search on Stephen Sinatra)

Please read the letters written by these two eminent doctors to the Toronto city councilors.

Letter from Dr Scully

Letter from Dr Sinatra – Page 1  –  Page 2

 = = =

Health / Science –

Barrie Trower – Wifi, Microwaves and the Consequences to our Health

I have just viewed this video by Barrie Trower on the Major health consequences of WiFi and Microwaves on our health and the genetic health of all females.

The punch line here is that wifi and rf radiation is damaging the mitochondrial DNA of the eggs in the yet unborn female fetus and this is a permanent damage that cannot be undone.

This means that if a female is newly pregnant (first 100 days) and has been irradiated with WiFi or other microwave radiation, then there is a distinct possibility that the children of her daughter, not yet born, will have some damage to the mitochondrial DNA.

Cindy Sage & LA Dept. of Water and Power – ‘Smart’ Meters

Published on May 11, 2013

Cindy Sage, environmental consultant and editor of the groundbreaking international study ‘The BioInitiative Report‘ on the health effects of electromagnetic radiation exposure, shares the results of her research and how it relates to wireless ‘smart’ meters with the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. First of two parts.

For more information:

Part 1

Part 2